Kerja Sama & International Office

Kerja Sama & International Office

Universitas Paramadina menjalin kerjasama dengan berbagai perusahaan, instansi dan lembaga baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Kerjasama bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk program, project, dan event. Program diantaranya berupa program beasiswa dari perusahaan-perusahaan donor untuk insan-insan berpotensi yang ada di seluruh Indonesia, melalui Paramadina Fellowship. Program kerjasama lainnya di antaranya adalah Seminar dan Workshop di 12 kota di Indonesia dengan tema Perempuan Ruang Publik dan Islam, bekerjasama dengan Danida dan The Asian Foundation. Program lain yang terkait dengan mahasiswa asing dan pelatihan bahasa dikoordinasikan oleh International Office.

email: [email protected]

International Office


The program is a form of cooperation with a partner who is both a national and international institutions which have representative offices in Indonesia, with a term of one year or more with more than two activities covered therein, providing funds and equipment in large quantities, areas of cooperation which require system of strict political control, and refers to the rules or format of these institutions. The process to obtain agreement and all handling activities in co-operation will be conducted through the Directorate of Cooperation and Fellowship by involving the academic community who are competent in these areas of cooperation.


Event is form a partnership with a national and international institutions which have representative offices in Indonesia, which only perform one activity. Some events ever held are:
  • In cooperation with the Tempo Institute, held Essay Award on October 28, 2010
  • In cooperation with the quark Magazine, Science Seminar for Elementary Teachers A Greater Jakarta, on 8 November 2010
  • In cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, held a National Seminar on Environmental Wisdom; Environmental Feasibility of State Capital, and Environmental Aspects Assessment Activities Capital of the State and Central Government.The event was held on 25 November 2010.
  • In cooperation with DANIDA and The Asia Foundation, organized a National Seminar on Women and the Public Sphere of Islam.One-day seminar held on January 13, 2011 featured speakers are: Dr.IR. Subandi from BAPPENAS, KH. Husein Muhammad, Yunianti Chuzaifah of the National Commission for Women.
  • In cooperation with the Indonesian Council on World Affairs (ICWA), Public Lecture organized by HEDR. Mohammad Ali Fathollahi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Asia-Pacific Affairs. This activity was held on the campus of Paramadina Graduate School, on 23 November 2010.
  • In cooperation with the Turkish Association held a “Turkish Night: Turkiye at a Glance” in July 2011.
In addition to activities that are handled directly by the partnership, there is also an event that is initiated by the partnership but the implementation is carried out by the study program as follows:
  • In cooperation with the Leadership, Inc.-Center for Corporate Leadership, Psychology Study Program for People with Psychology, Psychology Tests handle for 80 prospective employees of Bank Indonesia.Tests performed in several series of tests, including outboun activities.This activity was implemented in July 2011 that then.


The project is a form of cooperation with both national and international institutions which have representative offices in Indonesia, with maturities of less than one year, and consists of one activity or not more than 4 activities in one period.
Project ever handled by the Partnership are as follows:
  • In cooperation with the Hijra Institute, an Institute of Financial Training and Consulting bases its activities on the principles of management in accordance with sharia. Paramadina University conducted three series of activities, namely:
  • Workshop “Cerdas Finansial”, the workshop which was held on August 3, 2010, is intended for the general public, and aims to provide education about financial management in accordance with Islamic sharia.
  • Talk show “Yang Muda Yang Beruntung”. The talk show which was held on December 16, 2010 is intended to provide education about the planning and financial management for students. With participants who attended by about 100 students Paramadina University and also students from other universities, student participants are expected to acquire knowledge about planning and financial management as well as motivation and inspiration to become young entrepreneurs.
  • Talkshow “Sex & Financial Education: How to Teach Sex & Financial Education to Kids”. Talk show aimed at the general public, especially parents, held at the University of Paramadina on January 15, 2011. From this talkshow, parents armed with knowledge and inspiration regarding sexual education and management in Islamic finance as stock in the transmit them to beloved baby. In the session ‘Sex Education’ presented material on: How to effectively teach sex education to children; Protects children from the behavior of free sex, and Protects child from the dangers of pornography. While in session ‘Islamic Financial Planning’ speakers from the Institute deliver material surrounding the Hijra: The smart way to teach children to manage money for snacks; Protects child from the behavior of extravagant living, and teach children to save with creative ways.


Jakarta as the metropolitan which occupied more than 9 million people population, which are exhibit incredible in a unique diversity of tribes, language, culture and traditions. As the nation capital, Jakarta is truly a “Melting Pot” of representatives from throughout the archipelago.

The City With Thousands of Opportunities

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. The Indonesia’s diversity was mirrored in the capital city of Jakarta. Jakarta whose population has grown approaching to 10 million people is one of the cities in Asia, which is much often talked about with the certain reasons. Jakarta has extraordinarily developed and would be at the forefront in Asia over the next few decades. As of its geographical condition, land, air and sea transportations are also available. Jakarta is also a center of social, cultural and health activities. Jakarta is the prominent gateway of Indonesia.


email: [email protected] 
Telp: 021-79181188 ext. 230

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Tentang Kami

Universitas Paramadina berdiri pada 10 Januari 1998. Berusaha menempatkan diri sebagai salah satu pendorong tumbuhnya generasi terbaik Indonesia. Generasi intelektual baru yang memiliki kekuatan dalam aspek Leadership, Entrepreneurship dan Ethics.

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