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Paramadina Graduate School of Diplomacy (PGSD) is a home for anyone who engaging in global activities, ranging from diplomatic, social culture, technology, to business areas. A home to explore ideas and expertise as well as to connect local and global networks. It aims to construct space and support the renewed vision and approach for diplomacy across countries, sectors, and interests. PGSD commits and passionates to become the hub of excellence of diplomatic studies in Southeast Asia as well as Indo-Pacific. Production of knowledge and competence of expertise is the key of contribution from education sector for a civilization especially in the time of new technology invention.
Since 2018, PGSD receives the accreditation status of A from National Accreditation Body for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi – BANPT). We prepare and offer a new curriculum that acknowledge and incorporate the complexity, dynamic, and challenge of global phenomenon as well as the updated methodologies in the study of International Relations.
Since 2020, PGSD also develops a curriculum that meet the new national education policy and standard under the “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” including Objective Based Education.
We ensure the course material are regularly updated both by scholars in academic discourse and experts in the field in order to address current trends and anticipate future developments. Students are stimulated to learn, explore, and innovate with active learning method that focuses on the process as well as the output. We build the School as the reference point for studies in diplomacy practices as well as intermestic engagements, with opportunities for science and professional development for students and faculty members.
Everyday at PGSD is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.
Ahmad Khoirul Umam, PhD
Director of Paramadina Gradute School of Diplomacy
To become a leading educational institution and referral center in the field of Diplomacy and international relations with intelligent, trusted, and skilled graduates who contribute to the advancement of Diplomacy at the national, regional and international levels based on religious ethical values to produce a noble civilization.
Jl. Raya Mabes Hankam Kav 9,Setu, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur 13880
Trinity Tower Lt. 45, Jalan H R Rasuna Said Kav C22, Blok IIB, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Distrik 2 Meikarta, Cikarang Bekasi
Universitas Paramadina berdiri pada 10 Januari 1998. Berusaha menempatkan diri sebagai salah satu pendorong tumbuhnya generasi terbaik Indonesia. Generasi intelektual baru yang memiliki kekuatan dalam aspek Leadership, Entrepreneurship dan Ethics.
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