An International Conference "Re-Learning To Be Human For Global Times: A Dialogue Between Islam and Culture"

Ikuti acara "An International Conference. Re-Learning To Be Human For Global Times: A Dialogue Between Islam and Culture", diselenggarakan atas kerjasama antara:

- Faculty of Philosophy and CIvilization, Paramadina University 

- Paramadina Institute of Ethic and Civilization 

- International COnference on Thoughts on Human Science in Islam 

- Council for Research in Values and Philosophy 

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Waktu/Tgl : Rabu- Kamis/ 3- 4 Januari 2018

Tempat    : Paramadina Graduated School, Gedung Tempo

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dien Syamsuddin


The List of Senders of Papers for 3-4 January 2018 International Conference, Jakarta







Prof. Dr. Martha C. Beck

The Important Place of Indonesia in the Formation of International Culture Today

Lyon College, USA; University of St Thomas, USA


Dr. Azhar Ibrahim

Nurturing Emancipative Cultural and Religious Ethos in Muslim Nusantara: Learning from the Grundtvigian Paradigm

National University of Singapore (NUS)


Prof. Dr. Feorillo A. Demeterio III

The Place of Islam in the Thoughts of the Filipino Philosopher Cesar Adib-Majul (1923-2003)”

De La Salle University, Manila


Prof. Dr. V. Prabhu

Is Religion the Source of Human Conflict?

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (India)


Dr. Luwerekera Bernard

New Platforms for Fostering Interfath Dialogue Among the Youth in Today’s Pluralistic Culture

Makerere University, Uganda


Prof. Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam

Islam and Contemporary Indian Milieu: An Analysis for Re-Learning to be Human”

Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, India


Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ali Savadi

Islam and Contemporary Human Conditons

Mustafa International University, Qum (Iran)


Prof. Dr. Masudul Alam Choudhury

Tawhid as Law Contra Shariah-Compliance in Meta-Science of Everything

University of Toronto (Canada); IIUM Kuala Lumpur


Dr. Kunawi Basyir

Actualization of Religion and Culture: A Review of Religious Practice of Islam Nusantara

UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya


Dr. Zulfikar Ali Buto

SWOT Analysis of Islamic Education Facing Globalization Era

IAIN Lhokseumawe, Aceh


Dr. Hu Yeping

Hermeneutic Interpretation and Understanding in Communications across Cultures, Religions and Civilizations Today

Catholic University of America, Washington


Dr. Husain Heriyanto

Anthroposophy emerging from Indonesian Islamic Culture and Its Relevance to the World Today

Paramadina University, Jakarta


Zainul Maarif, MA

Islamizing Java and Javanizing Islam: A Philosophical Reflection of Sunan Kalijaga’s  Acculturation

Paramadina University, Jakarta


Prof. Dr. Mulyadhi Kartanegara

The Concept of the Perfect Man (al-Insān al-Kāmil) in Rūmī and Muslim philosophers, like Ikhwān al-Ṣafā and Ibn Sīnā

University of Brunei Darussalam


Prof. Dr. Dan Chitoiu

Formative Paradigms and the Values Conflict of Today

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania


Prof. Joao Vila-Cha

Re-Learning to be Human in the Context of Contemporay Human Condition

Gregorian University, Rome (Italy)


Dr. John Giordano

Viewing the Globe from a Mountain Top: From Al-Bīrūnī to Contemporary Globalization

Assumption University, Bangkok


Dr. Suhermanto Ja’far

Power Relation of Madura Kyai Community in Madurese Culture

UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya


Dr. Sunaryo

Being Human in Contemporary Time: A Reflection from Aristotelian Tradition

Paramadina University, Jakarta


Dr. Muhammad Supraja

Menjadi Manusia di Pusaran Arus Globalisasi

UGM, Yogyakarta


Dr. Nano Warno, M.Ud

Art and Beauty :  Culture Study in  View of al-Quran and Mysticism

STFI Sadra, Jakarta


Dr. Siti Rohmah Soekarba and Dr. Eko Wijayanto

The Trace of Local Islamic Values on the Muludan Tradition in Cirebon (West Java): A Cultural Evolution Theory

UI, Depok


Andhika Riyadi, MA and Dr. Sonny Yuliar

Islamic Learning as Quranic Textual Learning

ITB, Bandung


Deti Rahmawati, Difa Kusumadewi BA, Andhika Riyadi, MA and Dr. Sonny Yuliar

Hijab and The Construction of Religious Beauty

ITB, Bandung


Syukron Jazila

Re-reading the Relation between Religion and the State in Indonesia

UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta


Alif Jabal Kurdi and Nur Azka Inayatussahara

Civil Society in the Harmonization between Culture and Dakwah

UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta


Mutaqin Al Zam-zami

Reconceptualizing the Method of Da’wah according to the Perspective of the Qur’an

UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta



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Universitas Paramadina berdiri pada 10 Januari 1998, mengemban misi untuk membina ilmu pengetahuan rekayasa dengan kesadaran akhlak mulia demi kebahagiaan bersama seluruh umat manusia.

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